What motivates us

What motivates us


We envision a world where rehabilitation works wonders and empowers everyone to achieve their maximum health potential.

We exist to transform every recovery into a success story because we believe in the strength of humans and the power of innovative technology.

CTO Alexander Kollreider, CEO/CSO Verena Schiller


This term likely refers to the process of restoring health through rehabilitation. It encompasses the development and implementation of innovative rehabilitation solutions designed to help patients regain their health and functional abilities, emphasizing recovery and renewal.

Woman and a men looking at a big medical devices and thinking about innovation.


We are relentlessly innovating re-health solutions so that we can celebrate our therapists’ and patients’ success together.


More than 15 years experience

More than 90 employees

More than 500 m² production area

More than 65 countries

More than 55 distributors

More than 5.000 devices world wide

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