Therapy Progress
That Is Great Fun.

Patienin übt an Tyrostation und hält Balance am Balance Board

Therapy Progress That Is Great Fun.

Amadeo in Therapieanwendung mit Kind

What is
Robotic-Assisted Therapy?

Active-assistive robotic technologies are intelligent devices that use sensors to monitor human movement and positioning, then use this feedback in order to interact with you, the patient.

Combined with our TyroS software, our complete solution is designed to challenge and encourage you, using proven gamification techniques that provide the right mix of motivation and fun during rehabilitation.

Sounds fun right?

Pablo in Therapieanwendung mit Kind, lächendes Mädchen

Advantages for Patients

– Fun and motivating therapy

– Visible improvements

– Suitable devices for each body region

– Effectively train activities of daily living – ADLs

– Increased Therapist focus on the patient

– Escape the monotony of every day, ordinary therapy

Application areas

No matter the neurologic or orthopedic condition:
Tyromotion devices can be applied to a variety of symptoms


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Erfolgsstories@Tyromotion“I experienced a real wow-effect. A completely new dimension of hope...It does not feel
like physiotherapy at all...rather like I am driving a racing car...”

Stroke patient

Game Screen Highway

Erfolgsstories@Tyromotion"The therapy with OMEGO was so motivating and fun that I would even like to have one at home. I already gained more strength in my left knee."


OMEGO in use with chair

Erfolgsstories@Tyromotion“Diversity in the use and a wide range of different applications enables a goal- and task-oriented training in therapy for young and old!”

Occupational therapist

Tyrostation in Anwendung mit älterem Patienten

Erfolgsstories@Tyromotion"Even patients who usually are very difficult to motivate enjoy the therapy."

Physical therapist

Patientin verwendet Pablo Sensoren und streckt eine Hand mit Faust nach vorne

You would like to know where Amadeo, Diego and Co are in use?

Get in touch with us.
We are happy to inform you where therapy 
with Tyromotion devices is possible.

Clara Silvestro - Area Sales Manager

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