Patienten Story

Therapist interview: Robotics-assisted therapy for paraplegia

Michaela Partel 13. September 2021 2 minutes

Rehabilitation of patients with paraplegia with the help of robotic devices

Patients with paraplegia, a stroke, or with other neurological impairments can benefit from the use of robotic therapy devices. The GLG Fachklinik Wolletzsee is a modern, well-equipped behavior-medicine rehabilitation center in the north of Berlin. There, a dedicated team of clinicians, uses robotics in therapy.


The staff of the physiotherapy and occupational therapy in the GLG Clinic Wolletzsee
The therapists at GLG Fachklinik Wolletzsee rely not only on a lot of heart and empathy, but also on robotics in rehabilitation.

Robotics-assisted therapy for paraplegia: a patient example from the perspective of a physiotherapist at GLG Fachklinik Wolletzsee


We asked Andrea B., physiotherapist at the GLG Fachklinik Wolletzsee, about a specific patient case to gain a deeper insight into the rehabilitation routines of the clinic.


Tyromotion: Nina K. came to you for therapy with incomplete paraplegia. She had limited walking abilities and suffered from severe pain. What was your therapy approach?

Andrea B.: In Nina’s rehabilitation, the clear focus was on restoring her mobility. She was already able to walk at the beginning, but only a few steps. Since she is still very young, improving her walking ability was paramount. We wanted her to live independently again.

Tyromotion: Which measures did her therapy include?

Andrea B.: Nina’s therapy plan was based on three main pillars: 1) Sensitivity training to improve the perception of the feet and legs; 2) build-up of strength to allow her longer walking distances, mobilization, and torso stability; 3) to reduce pain, tenseness, and joint problems.

Tyromotion: How were the robotic devices integrated into the therapy?

Andrea B.: For Nina, robotic therapy devices were primarily used to build her strength. We used OMEGO with the stepper, bicycle, and foot-lift function. The aim was to strengthen Nina’s cardiovascular system and her gluteal, leg, and foot muscles.  In doing so, she set the basis for further training on her endurance and walking speed on the Lexo.

Tyromotion: What benefits do you see in the use of robotics?

Andrea B.: Especially with Lexo, I see significant advantages for the patients and the therapists. The gait trainer allows us to achieve uniformity in the gait, the step length, and the speed. Without this technology, we wouldn’t be able to achieve those things. As the patient does not concentrate so much on the actual movement sequence, an upright posture is much easier to maintain. We like to use a mirror so that patients can see themselves. For me, as a therapist, communication with the patients has changed. I can clearly show them how their abilities are evolving with the protocols of the devices; even small development steps become visible. The positive feedback encourages patients to continue with therapy during a difficult time.


woman supports on rollator
Every little bit of progress is documented during therapy with robotics-assisted devices, which has a positive effect on patient motivation.

Motivation to continue through measurable successes


Tyromotion: How did you motivate Nina to continue?

Andrea B.: Nina was very ambitious throughout the therapy. We sometimes had to make sure that she didn’t overdo it. To make her understand her progress, we filmed her walking on the Lexo or presented her with the protocols. In the force analysis of the OMEGO Plus, it became very clear that her leg force had more than doubled within three months.

Tyromotion: Is there anything else you would like to share about Nina?

Andrea B.: Nina is an incredibly strong woman. Her strength and motivation will continue to help her achieve her goals.

Tyromotion: Thank you for the interview!

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