The Pioneer
in Finger-Hand-Rehabilitation

Contact us for a no-obligation AMADEO® demonstration.

“AMADEO® is an excellent tool for working with patients with tendon repair in an active phase. The gradual, soft movement of the robot allows the patient to remember how to move, feel and use the hand. This helps to recover trust in the affected hand and integrate it again into the daily routine.” Gabriela Arrieta Brenes, Costa Rica Grupo INS

We understand the world with our hands and fingers – in the truest sense of the word. Restrictions due to stroke or other neurological diseases in precisely these parts of the body can massively limit patients’ lives and make many everyday activities impossible. With AMADEO®, patients can train their fine motor skills and thus regain more independence and autonomy in their everyday lives.

AMADEO® enables patients to perform robot-assisted grasping movements. The active participation of the impaired hand is promoted by biofeedback and assist-as-needed interactions. Individual fingers or the entire hand can be trained in a targeted manner, depending on the patient’s individual needs.


Suitable for all age groups

from pediatrics (ages 6 and up) to geriatrics

Guided finger and

hand movements

Short setup time





Objective assessments

and reports



Spasticity is a prevalent impairment following a neurological injury, and can cause considerable disability and economic burden. AMADEO® can be used in rehabilitation with present spasticity in the hand.
Patient-initiated and robot-assisted movement of the fingers reduces spastic tonus elevation and improves passive and active motor function of the hand.²

Therapy options for spasticity with AMADEO®:
• CPMplus
• Spasticity treatment
• Sensitivity training


"Robotic training yields improvement of hand motor performance by restoring hand motor control."

Calabrò RS, Accorinti M, Porcari B, Carioti L, Ciatto L, Billeri L, Andronaco VA, Galletti F, Filoni S, Naro A. Verbessert die robotische Rehabilitation der Hand die motorische Funktion durch Wiederherstellung der interhemisphärischen Konnektivität nach chronischem Schlaganfall? Ermutigende Daten aus einer randomisierten klinischen Studie. Clin Neurophysiol. 2019 May; 130(5):767-780.

"In subjects with subacute stroke, robotic-assisted therapy using a set of robotic and sensor-based devices significantly improved UL motor function, activities, and participation to the same extent as a similar amount of conventional therapy."

Aprile I, Germanotta M, Cruciani A, Loreti S, Pecchioli C, Cecchi F, Montesano A, Galeri S, Diverio M, Falsini C, Speranza G, Langone E, Papadopoulou D, Padua L, Carrozza MC; FDG Robotic Rehabilitation Group. Robotische Rehabilitation der oberen Gliedmaßen nach Schlaganfall: Eine multizentrische, randomisierte klinische Studie. J Neurol Phys Ther. 2020 Jan;44(1):3-14.

"Task-oriented VR-based robotic rehabilitation enhanced not only motor function in the paretic arm but also global and specific cognitive abilities in post-stroke patients."

Torrisi M, Maggio MG, De Cola MC, Zichittella C, Carmela C, Porcari B, la Rosa G, De Luca R, Naro A, Calabrò RS. Über die motorische Erholung nach einem Schlaganfall hinaus: Die Rolle der Hand-Roboter-Rehabilitation plus virtuelle Realität bei der Verbesserung der kognitiven Funktion. J Clin Neurosci. 2021 Oct;92:11-16.


Short setup time

Hygienic patient attachment

Isolation of individual fingers for assessment or therapy

Objective assessments and reports

Multiple therapy modes

EMG integration

For children and adults

Combined motor and cognitive exercises

Contact us for a no-obligation AMADEO® demonstration.


1 Baldan F, Turolla A, Rimini D, Pregnolato G, Maistrello L, Agostini M, Jakob I. Robot-assisted rehabilitation of hand function after stroke: Development of prediction models for reference to therapy. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2021 Feb 16; 57:102534

2 Takahashi CD, Der-Yeghiaian L, Le V, Motiwala RR, Cramer SC. Robot-based hand motor therapy after stroke. Brain 2008; 131: 425-437.