The story of Marlon Laight

Last week, Marlon visited us at the Tyromotion headquarters in Graz.
He told us about his life story and his terrible twist of fate.

Due to a serious car accident, Marlon spent several months in hospital and had to relearn all his functions.
Through therapy with our equipment and the competent support of doctors and therapists, Marlon was not only able to learn to walk again, but also to grasp and improve his fine motor skills.

Our employees were very impressed by his story and his fighting spirit and listened to him for an hour.
Marlon also used his visit to see our production facilities and showroom.
On Thursday evening, our Tyromotion summer party took place, which he was very happy to attend.
He was an enthusiastic spectator at our Tyromotion soccer match where he actively cheered on our employees.

To round off the visit, our CEO Verena Schiller and CSO Alexander Kollreider accompanied him to the Arnold Schwarzenegger Museum.
Marlon had a great time there, as he has become a bodybuilder himself since his accident and thus briefly followed in the footsteps of his idol.


We would like to thank Marlon for his visit and for taking the time to share his life and success with us.
We wish him continued success and are already looking forward to his next visit.

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