MTT-Line Progressive Resistance Training

A publication from Flansbjer et al. (2012) examined the long-term benefits of medical training therapy (MTT) in chronic stroke patients. The intervention group participated in a supervised resistance training of the lower extremities twice weekly for 10 weeks, whereas the control group continued their usual daily activities. The study showed that training on pneumatic resistance devices effectively improves and maintains muscle strength in stroke survivors. Even 4 years after the intervention, there were still significant differences in both isotonic and isokinetic strength between the training and the control group. The study was the first to show that the improvements in muscle strength not only occurred immediately after the intervention but were maintained on a long-term perspective.

Medical Training Therapy (MTT) supports and complements neurorehabilitation with robotic and sensory devices. The Tyromotion MTT-Line provides a set of Medical Training Therapy devices specifically for the neurorehabilitation sector.


Flansbjer et al. 2012 Long-term benefits of progressive resistance training in chronic stroke: a 4-year follow-up.

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